Focus Latvia

Focus Latvia

Latvia is far from being a blank spot in Europe’s cinema industry. Latvian animated films are defined by their rich use of colours and designs, an identity that has arisen thanks to the refusal of the country’s film-makers to adhere to any formal boundaries. They seek out contrasts in animation and walk the line between togetherness and loneliness, female and male, lofty sentiments and the banalities of day-to-day life. The language and the characters present in Latvian animated film are both melancholy and courageous, ironic and mystical, passionate, yet insecure – just like people in real life. In honour of the country’s centenary, Fantoche will be shining a spotlight on a broad swathe of Latvian animated motion pictures.

Supported by: Staatliche Kulturkapitalstiftung Lettland

Curated by: Uldis Mākulis